Acoustic-Dimension news and updates


We were able to buy a large quantity of DH-Labs OFH-20 hook-up wire.
We can offer this cable with 30% discount and when you order more than 10m, 10% extra discount.



We received our first shipment of Jupiter Vitamin-Q silver foil and Jupiter Comet silver foil capacitors.


We received our first shipment of MIFLEX capacitors.


New EU-VAT rules for private customers within the European Union (EU)

As of 1 July 2021, the VAT rules for selling goods to private customers within the European Union have changed fundamentally. Customers within the EU will be charged to the VAT rate of their own country.

We are located in the Netherlands. The VAT rate in the Netherlands is 21%. This is reflected in the incl. VAT prices on our website.
For customers outside the Netherland (but within the EU), the VAT amount will change according to the VAT-rate of your country.

The exact VAT amount will be calculated when we mail you a price quotation.
(we need your full address to give you an exact price quotation)


We have received the new KLE Innovations RCA/chich sockets.
These are a low mass design which complement the KLEInnovations Harmony RCA plugs (and the old Bullet plugs).
The Level 1, Classic Harmony version is really affordable and offers compaired to other low cost sockets a much, much better sound.


ISO transformers have added some new output transformers and some new power transfomers to their range.
The ISO power transformers are now availble in many different mains tensions (100V, 115V, 120V, 230V, 235V, 240Vac)


We have received new stock of the Alps "Blue Velvet" 100K volume control.



The Humble Homemade Hifi website has published a review on the Duelund Silver Bypass capacitor.

Sound: In one word: amazing!.
I thought I knew how they sounded but with the bypass capacitor in the network the bells were so realistic, it scared me :-)

Verdict: add about 2 points to whatever capacitor you are bypassing


We have received new stock of the KLE innovations phono/rca plugs.

KLEI has introduced new modules which feature solid pure silver contacts for ground pin and centre pin.
The KLEI Pure Harmony and the KLEI Absolute Harmony. The KLEI Absolute Harmony uses an even higher quality silver.
These 2 models are making the right choice not easier. To make live easier we offer (for a limited time) the KLEI Absolute Harmony for about the same price as the KLEI Pure Harmony.


We are very proud to present the Duelund CAST Mylar power supply capacitors.


We have added Neotech hook-up wire SOCP-12 and SOCP-20 (PVC coated) and SOCT-18 (teflon coated) to our stock.
Neotech UP-OCC IEC and SCHUKO mains connectors are back in stock


We have added some Hammond power transformers, filament transformers and Hammond chokes.
nd we started to stock the really nice Hammond Walnut Chassis


We have extended our stock of Neotech UP-OCC wire


We now stock a small selection of the Elna Silmic II capacitors.


We received some of the new Audio Note electrolytic audio capacitors.


We have moved to a new address:

Acoustic Dimension
Burgemeester Smitstraat 24
7221 BK Steenderen
The Netherlands

++ 31(0)15-8892700


Great review on Enjoy-the-Music about the Jupiter Copper Foil capacitors


We received notice from Tamura that they have decided to stop the production of several models
and increase the prices for some others.

The following types will no longer be available:
Output transformers

F-781, -782, -783
F-2003, -2004, -2005, -2006, -2020
F-5002, -5003, -5005, -5006
F-7001, -7002, -7003, -7020, -7021

A-4005, -4006

Interstage transformer
B-5002, -5003, -5006, -5007

(NOTE: F-2007, -2011, -2012, -2013, F-2021, will stay in production)

Tamura will raise the price of the following models.
(At this moment we have no information on how much more expensive, but probably much more expensive)

Output transformer
F-475, -483, -485, -486
F-682, -683, -684, -685

A-4003, -4004


We have received a new revolutionary Phono/RCA plug by Keith Louis Eichmann: KLE Innovations


Tamura has introduced the F-900/A-800 series of transformers (pdf-file).
Hashimoto has introduced the Hashimoto A-305 interstage (pdf-file) which is a perfect replacement for the Tango NC-20F which is not available anymore.


We found again a large stock of NOS Shinkoh 0,5 Watt, 1 Watt and 2 Watt resistors and we could even lower their price.

We have received new stock of the Partridge TK 7441 output transformers. (all sold now)



We have found a large stock of 0,5Watt Allen Bradley resistors


With the Black Gate 500V caps no longer available, we have been looking for some replacement capacitors.
We are pleased to introduce the Unicon capacitors, specially made for Audio in Japan.


We still get many questions about the availability of the Black Gate capacitors:

The Black Gate production has stopped in 2006, after 18 years of availability. The capacitors were manufactured by Rubycon under license for Jelmax Co.Ltd. Jelmax Co.Ltd. has closed its doors in August 2007 after selling all their remaining stock.

The only stocks of Black Gate that will remain available will be those held the retail distributors. This is your last chance to acquire the best electrolytic caps ever made !


We can now supply the highly regarded Hashimoto transformers.


We have lots of new parts, but we just don't have the time to update the site.

We have added some TDO resistors (Tokyo Den-On) 20 Watt cathode resistors, TKD (Tokyo Ko-On Denpa) volume controls (as used by Kondo) and Tocos (Tokyo Cosmos Electric Co. LTD) 100R hum bucking potentiometer

We have become distributor/dealer for the Kiwame resistors

We now can supply Tango / ISO 230V power transformers

We have been able to reduce the prices for all the Bybee Quantum Purifiers.
After some initial hesitations more and more customers start to use these devices. In all this time we never received a negative comment on the purifiers, only very positive ones. So we put in a big order and got a very good deal from the manufacturer.