TDO resistors
Tokyo Den-On

Sadly TDO has stopped the production of these resistors. We think we have found a very good replacement in the Tamaohm TRH resistors

These may look a little bit old fashioned, but they are one of the best sounding (cathode) resistors we have tried.

Sun Audio/ Uchida uses these resistors for their cathode resistors in all their amplifiers. You will also find them in the M77 Kondo pre-amplifier and in the Harmonix REIMYO PAT-777 300B power amplifier

TDO RWH 20G 2%

Wire wound resistors, 20 Watt, 2%,
Body size D= 19mm, L= 60mm
including mounting brackets L=93mm

Made in Japan.

Values in stock:
4R7, 620R


€ 11.16
€ 13.50
each, mounting brackets are included.


TDO RWH  resistors